Hive-Tube handles livestreams better than any other streaming platform in the world, in our opinion of course. 4K video (with 320K audio) can be streamed and syndicated out P2P to all viewers/listeners and the top audio/video podcasting apps too.
For an example, on CastGarden, the @unklebonehead channel puts their 24/7 radio station "Defluenced Live" up quite often:
Feel free to join our chatroom too :)
lovely although I'm a little confused about how the site works I logged in the button asks me to login, and I don't see a control panel to get keys etc

Can I see an example of your streams, podcasts and/or videos somewhere? If so, what's the url?
We are always looking to add more awesome Creators to the Cast.Garden site! Let me know where your content is and we might be able to set you up with a free channel and login on there this weekend! :)
Let me know.. thanx! -ken
Sorry I got it wrong I thought it was open in general, no problem I don't want to go live I just spend exploring the hive dapps :)
No need to go live if you don't want to. Cast.Garden can literally scrape your podcasts and//or videos right off of your upload platform of choice and syndicate it out from there so that you don't even have to do anything other than keep uploading awesome content.
When you're ready, give me a ping and I'll set you up with a CastGarden channel page real quick :)