Blacktrades-introducing web 3.0

in HiveDevs3 years ago

First of all i hope so all are weing well and happy i am very happy bcz i come back again on your amazing platforum.

Web 3.0 is still evolving and being defined, and as such, there isn't a canonical, universally accepted definition. What is clear, though, is that Web 3.0 will have a strong emphasis on decentralized applications and make extensive use of blockchain-based technologies. Web 3.0 will also make use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to help empower more intelligent and adaptive applications.

Arguably, there are a few early-stage Web 3.0 applications that already exist today, but until the new internet becomes fully embedded in the web infrastructure, their true potential cannot be observed.

It will change our lives and becomes fully modern technology .


New technology can make people anxious in an age of discovery and innovation. With Web 3.0, it’s innovation at the next level!
Tooday i hope you will much know about web 3. 0 .