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RE: Weekly update on HF 24

in HiveDevs5 years ago

You're correct: Total gibberish, to me at least but these updates are really appreciated. I still read in the hopes I'll understand something. Today it's the usefulness of Tavern. Debugging must be the largest part of the work.


Yes, debugging is pretty much the largest part of any software development (same goes for hardware development as well). That's not to say design isn't just as important: a proper design leads to fewer errors that need debugging.

But you almost always wind up spending more time on fixing bugs that implementing features, although it may not seem that way at first, because a poor testing system allows the bugs to hide for longer, so that all the time spend debugging gets spread over the lifetime of the software and therefore the amount of work spent on it gets miscounted somewhat.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'm sure that with subsequent hardforks the time that is spent now will make them somewhat easier to implement. Wishing you and the team well.