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RE: 11th update of 2021 on BlockTrades work on Hive software

in HiveDevs4 years ago

I think the primary use case is to ease onboarding for Hive apps that create accounts for new users. This will enable them to create new accounts and delegate RC rather than HP, which lowers the incentive for bad actors to try to game the account creation faucets for profit.


can be also used to support cool apps that don't have a large budget to buy hive. RCs for Tokens for example :)

This change is one that's easy to overlook in the rest of the notes, but has really exciting potential applications specifically for things like onboarding and helping out to grow a new userbase. I'm really excited to see how this works once it's in play.


This will make us much more apt to create an auto-delegation system that checks any user wanting to use