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RE: (Re-)Introducing HiveInvite. Invite your friends!

in HiveDevs5 months ago

First i want to say thank you for working on this tool… very needed! I was excited to give it a test run!

I’m a dipshit so might be doing something wrong… though the page seems simple without many options, but im in a loop of signing successfully but then it telling me im not added to the wallet.
I’m on the keychain app, using the internal browser, and typically when im on a site inside of keychain it auto signs in without issue.
I click sign in with keychain button and it signs successfully, then it loops back to same page, and now i put my user name in..tried hitting enter and hitting sign in with key chain button, but i get the notification not added to wallet. As there are few other variations to do it, im a bit confused as to what im doing wrong. 😬




Possible because it asks for Buttcoins instead of buttcoins - Like the capital letter B is the Problem? gonna check out aswell.

Edit: just checked - yea it's the capital letter problem. just reported to pharesim.

Oh thanks, ill try again now

Yep, that was it, im in! Cheers for that!

Thanks for reporting, I'll make sure it auto corrects invalid usernames soon