Thanks for the update. Although maybe not for everyone, but the act of comunicating these things is important.
Any thoughts of removing or maybe set it to 1% the inflation for the DAO/DHF, since there is now aproximate of 20+ years dev funds.
At the curent rate of projects funded, 1M HBD per year.
The DHF is a relatively small part of Hive's overall supply increase. Even though I agree there are plenty of funds there now (or would be, if the Hive there was converting to HBD, something that may not even happen with this release), I think it's important to have that little bit of long term inflation, so that there's an implicit promise that there will always be funding for development. More to the point, I don't think changing this factor will really make any real positive difference.
Thanks for the reply.
True the DHF is only 10% of the overall inflation. We can start there, maybe not cut it in total, and later move to the other reward pools, author/curation. For example if we cut those in half now (after smt?), we will be around 5% real inflation (hbd conversions included), that is standard for most top cryptos.
The next 5÷6 years have the higher inflation in absulute numbers, and will add somewhere around 175M hive in circulation.
To offset this supply we will need some growth :). Sometimes cuting down inflation can jump start growth. Bitcoin halving prime example.
But nothing guarantied.