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RE: (Re-)Introducing HiveInvite. Invite your friends!

in HiveDevs5 months ago

I'm really glad to see this come back to life @pharesim... and perfect timing, as I am about to embark on a period of "publishing content on Hive for external consumption" and had been pondering the best way to also enroll potentially interested parties as Hivers.

What I particularly like here is that the process actually links the person offering Hive accounts to the person signing up. One of the weak links (at least to my mind) of efforts to promote Hive is the lack of connection enabling a "recruiter" to connect with "enrollees."

I know some would say "oh, you can just do that through Discord!" but I don't think Facebook would have reached 4 billion users if they had to also have a 3rd party app in order to talk to each other. That's blogging, 1997 style....