There is dummy data live right now, trying to see what all we need to make a front end work. You're welcome to play with it... especially if you drop in our discord server and give us feedback.
api.get('/api/nfts/:user', API.nfts);
api.get('/api/nft/:item', API.item);
api.get('/api/sets', API.sets);
api.get('/api/set/:set', API.set);
api.get('/api/auctions', API.auctions);
api.get('/api/sales', API.sales);
From or if you run the 'defi' branch of dlux node software
The API will have live data when we make our announcement post.
Here is our working generate NFT client side script.
.then((response) => response.text())
.then((data) => {
const code = `(//${data}\n)("${nft.uid}")`;
const SVG = eval(code);
document.getElementById(`image-${nft.set}-${nft.uid}`)!.innerHTML = SVG;
@disregardfiat Your comment contains some text that could be a potential attempt to inject malicious code. cc: @cryptosharon
Investigation in progress..
More info:
Comment 1% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.
it's not 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good! 😊 🤖
do you have a sample fetch to upload to is where a whole bunch of that type of code lives...!/dlux-vr?path=public%2Fimg.html%3A10%3A0 is the Save to IPFS fucntion
thaaaank you! 😊😊
how much time is estimated till your announcement post?
2-3 days hopefully. Even if the API is live at that point it will still be under development while we test features