
You are the best!!! If it works out with jxl, many photographers will want to publish with you - thank you very much for the quick 🙏feedback.

Since we're on the subject, I'd like to tell you about another inconvenience.
This is the impossibility of pasting a copied hashtag - perhaps for English-speaking people this is not a problem, but for everyone else, yes. For example, I don't know how to spell words correctly in English (especially long ones) and I need to copy them from a translator and paste them so as not to make a mistake - on ecency this is impossible, but on peakd it is possible - this small inconvenience makes you spend more time preparing a post.

This looks like new bug, I remember this functioning properly. Tried today, seem it is broken, we will fix this asap.

Great - this will make the process easier for many! 👍