Lighthive update v0.4.3

in HiveDevslast year

Lighthive documentation

A new version of Lighthive is pushed to the Python package index with the tag 0.4.3 . As usual, pip install lighthive --upgrade is enough to get the latest version.


  • Use random integer instead of random UUIDs for the id field in the JSONRPC request body. Even though specs allow strings this is a convention that have been followed in other libraries, and recently Drone is released to the wild and it expects IDs as integers.

  • Use == instead of is keywords at transaction builder class. This was harmless in practice but it was creating some mess in logs.

Credits to @brianoflondon for raising those issues.


You can actually pass IDs as a library user. E.g:

from lighthive.client import Client

c = Client(nodes=[""])

resp = c.get_dynamic_global_properties(id="whateveryouwant")

Not very useful for most of the apps, since ligthive is not async. But who knows, just in case, if you find a use case for it..


Thanks for this! @apshamilton was getting cruft in his logs for my Pricefeed code he's running :-)

I do love the way this eco-system works and fixes stuff like this.

Good to see active developers keeping code current 👍

Hi @emrebeyler I am reaching out to you to ask for a witness vote. I hope you agree to send votes outside of the top 20 helps support Hive. I am a new witness, I own my hardware and host it in the city that I live in.

I did vote you, when you sent me a payment and message, because I liked the innovated request. Thank you for your consideration.

Great stuff! We shared this on the HiveToday X feed: