Hive is unique and a damn near miraculous piece of technology. Don't worry about when the rest of the world will notice, in fact I'm more than happy if we fly under the radar through at least another bull and bear cycle. What we have here on Hive is much more important than a token price or any one of our public facing distributed apps.
YESSS! I think slow and steady growth is key. We want people to join the Hive community to add their value to the chain. What we don't want is a bunch of crypto dudes and dudettes coming in to "strike it rich" with their hype. We can all see how that turns out in the pitch and ditch model. No Thanks!
There is an old saying, "Watch what you ask for. You just might get it." and I think that applies here. We keep hearing people talk about how they want Hive to be known by Web2 and more of the world. I'm not keen on that idea at all. I've seen it happen in so many industries to so many companies and communities. Fame for fame's sake is empty and leaves a trail of bodies.
Well....that got dark quick.
Let me just end with the fact is we do have something special here. It should be nurtured, cared for, and in some respects guarded. Growing organically is a truly beautiful thing. Let's admire Hive as it is and nurture the growth carefully and lovingly.