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RE: (Re-)Introducing HiveInvite. Invite your friends!

in HiveDevs5 months ago

It is a shame that some of my accointances seems to be anti crypto. one classmate who was familiar with crypto joined, stayed for +- a month and left without ever making a post. It seems he hoped to get rich just by curating...


Your classmate is NGMI.

You don't get rich by snapping your fingers; You've got to bring value and you will get value in return.

You are right. I suggested a few times that he should try posting. but he did not listen. Shame. Recently I once again remembered that classmate. In the past he used to create music. So when I saw this post I thought that if had he stayed he could have earned those awesome rewards. If I would be a musician I would definitely try to win them. 100+ HBD is a lot of money. Recently I bought some HBD but I for me few hundreds eur is a lot of money so I only could get a little. So winning a contest like that would really help.

Yeah, Vibes is an awesome contest. I think I might participate this week.