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RE: TOKEN ROUTES: A New Economic tool for Hive Users+

in HiveDevs8 months ago

I haven't tried it yet but if it looks like it will be a Godsend. I haven't been able to find a route (that's worth the cost) to get SPS into GBP. Until relatively recently I was able to go to Binance and off ramp there but since that was shut down I've been stuck.

I even signed up for Kraken but then got stuck when I realised I would have to go via ETH chain and my tokens were in metamask so it would be yet another charge to swap them. I ended up with USDT on Binance and gave up, deciding to use it to buy BTC with instead.

I can't tell you how much I'm hoping this will "work". Can't wait to try it out.

Oh yes, and having a visual representation of what's going on is gold for me. I drew out various flow charts for myself because tyring to read through loads of blog posts or watch youtube videos was just too confusing.


Well check the DEXs that we have on there if they have GBP
Because if you can get something like BTC to them then you should be set.

I can tell you from personal experience that we tend to use SimpleSwap to convert HIVE to BTC so it may take you that route of converting SPS to HIVE then to BTC and into your account.

I will say right now that we're working on a change of how the swap sites (simpleswap) work so that they don't try to do 2 transactions in a row which to us is a mistake. HOpefully that gets changed today.

Thanks Jarvie.
The only way I found to get GBP off an exchange, recently, was Kraken, Coinbase and CDC. The latter I've closed my account for and wouldn't use again.
The problem I had with both Kraken and Coinbase was after withdrawing SPS and swapping to USDT it was in metamask and you can't go USDT to Kraken or Coinbase from Metamask without swapping again because you end up with a BEP20 token.
All this is probably obvious to you but it's taken me months to work out, not least because I didn't realise that often when people are talking about Binance in discord they are actually meaning BSC. And, I didn't know that BEP20 and ERC20 were important and needed to match up between metamask and the exchanges. That bit is usually left out when more knowledgeable people talk about the routes they take.
I'm hoping to play around with routes later today and see what I end up with.

Here's the route that seems simplest to me


Interesting. I avoided the BTC route because I thought it would be too expensive. I tried the LTC route but there wasn't enough liquidity at the time. This tool is going to soooooooooooo helpful.