
Thank you
Account witness @oadissin

Well, it's not a witness yet, you need to set witness properties for it, like this:
update_witness oadissin "" "yourpublicsigningkey" {"account_creation_fee": "3.000 TESTS","maximum_block_size": 65536,"hbd_interest_rate": 300} true
Of course your block production node should have defined witness name and correspoding private signing key.

I tried to open the wallet cli files but I got an underlying transport error. I change the config file setting on ws server address but I got the same results.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Clearly your cli_wallet is unable to connect with your node through the specified websocket.
(You might want to try with a public one)

I have made the change within the wallet. I still get these messages when I run the node. Do you think the problem is not solved?


Node is running fine and getting blocks from p2p network.
Connecting cli_wallet to hived through websocket connection is a different story.
See at my old posts ("Pressure" series) for some tips on how to deal with configuration.
Please note that aside of configuration, your OS might be interfering (firewall).