This is notice about reindexing of Hivesearcher Elastic Search.
We have discovered some index discrepancies for some keyword searches. After investigating the root of the problem we found that instability/inconsistency in one of our Hivemind updates caused indexing issue.
We have restarted indexing and added one more server to the cluster!
Since data is growing, adding new server was good timing and brought cluster health to green. Before new server, there were some unassigned replica shards, now thing should run smoothly.

We will likely do another reindex after we tweak ranking algorithm.
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How can I search for an author from replies only ?
You want to find replies of specific author ?
* author:sanjeevm type:comment
this would give you all comments made by sanjeevm with any character*
. If you change*
to some word then you get replies with that specific word.I want to find out only author replies made to me. How can I do that ? Do we have documentation around these ?
as well. Like* parent_author:sanjeevm type:comment
, but what would be use case of this feature? Our team is working on improving our search page on powered by so everyone can see what are the possibilities. Stay tuned. Feel free to support this proposal so we can continue to improve and add new features, indexes for finding content of all types.Finding replies to your content is supported by chain. would give you all replies. Finding content from comments/replies above should work, we can of course consider adding filtering with Current documentation is here: