
ww also need multiple style sites... we need a hive fiundation site ... we need a spefial page on that explains the worker proposal system the way telos pimps out their WPS. BASICALLY copy and and for everything

And needs links to MOBILE QALLET so FORK ESTEEM and release a SEPERATE version for hive

Also we never publicly voted on the fucking fork but now that its fucking done u need ro not pussy foot around this and let us all sign a decelaration of indpendence from steem and explain the greiveances keep it light impersonal and vague so eveeyone can agree. We will also have artucles of confederation people xan sign if rhey dont want to sign a full blown later cobstutution but still want to participate. We xould even have a terms of sercife just for the proposal system but not fkr the blockxhain but hive.blig and peakd and front ends are like STATES who can decide their own policies of use....and the hive FOUNDATION and WITNESSES are the f3deral gov.... the blogchain will be the press which always is free but will BECOME A BRANCH of gov like PBS public broadcasting.... of free transactiona... for CITIZENS and not all users are citizena. Thats how we give extra rights to humans whej AI take over hah or we go starship troopersstyle where we have to earn ur hive account with military service and a test