Public Beta Is Now Available: HAF Plug & Play Development Update #5

in HiveDevs3 years ago (edited)



The proposal to fund this project is almost funded (76%).

Screenshot from 2021-11-25 01-22-41.png

You can vote for it here:

Since my last update, I've been working on deploying a stable public beta for HAF Plug & Play.

Pull Request:

It is now live at The node is currently syncing and you can view the status of each element by either:

Production Server:
Dev Server: (unstable, may not be available at times)

Calling dApp developers

You can now integrate your dApps data in Plug & Play. The core code is stable enough to start building plugs for apps now. I am starting work on Podping's plug and endpoints this week.

If you want to use Plug & Play in your dApp, just get in touch with me and we'll discuss your PostgreSQL data schemas and endpoint designs.

API Documentation

The following endpoints are available currently:

Standard Endpoints

follow Plug

  • get_follow_ops: a list of global follow ops within the specified block range (or last 24 hours if not specified)
  • get_account_followers: a list of Hive accounts that are following the provided Hive account

reblog Plug

  • get_reblog_ops: a list of global reblog ops within the specified block range (or last 24 hours if not specified)
  • get_account_reblogs: a list of all reblogs an account has made

Reblog operations are split into two custom_json ops, one with the reblog ID and one with the follow ID. The current server supports reblog based operations, I'm working on supporting the follow reblog ops.

Current work scope

  • onboard Podping
  • complete support for all community custom_json ops
  • add support for the reblogs done under the follow op ID
  • onboarding website

That's it for this update!

You can vote for the proposal here:

  • I run a Hive witness node:


I love the idea of being able to use my username as a login. Making Hive my access to the internet. Supported

You can now integrate your dApps data in Plug & Play.

So is it like, dapps can now use this only ?

dApps can now design their custom_json op related features and have access to data easily via endpoints, which I offer help to design. For example, if Splinterlands was a new game coming onboard, they could opt to use Plug & Play (or a customized version of it) to handle all the game data generated by users.

It makes it easier for developers to make apps, without handling much blockchain code.

So for example I want to write a new dapp, that would persist a post to the main blockchain and then some custom json - so I would have to do two operations ? one for the main one and another for custom json ?

Yes, you will have to do two operations.

How Plug & Play helps is on accessing the aggregate custom_json data that your dApp deals with, using PostgreSQL tables/views and customized API endpoints.

So you won't have to stream blocks to get those custom_json ops or run your own server if you don't want to.

Without Plug & Play, you will have to stream whole blocks from the first block that your app started, using a library like beem, to populate your own tables and spin up your own server to avail API endpoints.

Wow this is awesome! I didn't understand much of it but innovation is a great thing. I love to see projects that move the blockchain and its adaption forward. 👍

Thanks for the support!

Awesome & solid play.

I was just reading your last update, and saw the url of : maybe forward to current ver if no betas running? Idk about your entire setup, but might make things more seemless for others who come across the 502 bad gateway error page. ^>^

Thanks, I put it back online. That's where I test new code, so it might be down for short periods of time. The production one will have much higher availability:

A redirect sounds good, maybe to a static page saying it's down at the moment.

If you want support of people like me (non-techies) summarize what a plug and play HAF is, in simple words. (NO reply needed just adjust the text)

Sure thing. I'll write a short summary :)

awesome work, thank you <3

@tipu curate

Thanks for the support!