(Photo generated with PeakD image generator)
I initially needed a tool to interact with the blockchain and retrieve various HBD-related operations for my practice project.
HBD Wallet
I've been working on a website where users can manage their HBD savings and perform various transactions related to HBD. This is essentially a practice project as I am studying the Next.js full-stack framework. Here's my latest progress:
It currently displays a dashboard of balances, deposits, interst, and a chart of accumulated HBD and deposits over time.
The website isn't public yet!
HBD Repo
To build this website, I need to rely heavily on blockchain historical data. To make things easier, clean, and easy to maintain, I created HBD Repo. It is initially using HiveSQL however, I just discovered yesterday that it isn't funded anymore and will not be free to use. Mannnn, I just can't afford a 5HBD/day.
Now, I just migrated it to use HafSQL. Which works similarly with some differences in tables schema.
If you are like me who is working on a project involving HBD, feel free to contribute to my code and suggest features.
The source code is here: sauce
How to use
It is written in typescript btw, so I it requires you to be familiar to it.
Optionally, you have to install the Postgres library
npm install pg
You need the HafSQL public credentials, thanks to @mahdiyari :
const poolConfig: PoolConfig = {
user: `hafsql_public`,
host: `hafsql-sql.mahdiyari.info`,
database: `haf_block_log`,
password: `hafsql_public`,
port: 5432,
Then you are good to go with this example:
dont forget to change 'your-username'
import { PoolConfig } from 'pg';
import { HBDRepo } from 'hbd-sql/dist';
const poolConfig: PoolConfig = {
user: `hafsql_public`,
host: `hafsql-sql.mahdiyari.info`,
database: `haf_block_log`,
password: `hafsql_public`,
port: 5432,
async function main() {
try {
// Get the singleton instance of HBDRepo
const repo = HBDRepo.getInstance(poolConfig);
const deposits = await repo.deposits('your-username');
console.log('Deposits:', deposits);
const withdrawals = await repo.withdrawals('your-username');
console.log('Withdrawals:', withdrawals);
console.log('Total Deposit');
const totalDeposit = await repo.totalDeposit('your-username');
console.log('Total Deposit:', totalDeposit);
console.log('Total Withdrawals');
const totalWithdrawal = await repo.totalWithdrawal('your-username');
console.log('Total Withdrawal:', totalWithdrawal);
console.log('Total Interest');
const totalInterest = await repo.totalInterest('your-username');
console.log('Total Interest:', totalInterest);
console.log('Interest Rate');
const interestRate = await repo.interestRate();
console.log('Interest Rate:', interestRate ? 'success' : 'failed');
console.log('Savings Details');
const savingsDetails = await repo.savingsDetails('your-username');
console.log('Savings Details:', savingsDetails);
console.log('Interest Payments');
const interestPayments = await repo.interestPayments('your-username');
console.log({ interestPayments });
} catch (error) {
console.error('An error occurred:', error);
Let me know what functions would be useful for you, I would be happy to include it!