Running Hivemind & HAfAH on HAF + Jussi - 2023

in HiveDevs2 years ago (edited)

stolen video from gtg

Related post: How to run a HAF node

Table of contents:

  • PostgreSQL configs for hivemind
  • Hivemind on HAF
  • HAfAH (account history)
  • Jussi

I assume you are here after following the previous post.

The process is usually the same for production and development.

Preparing PostgreSQL

Add the following line to the file

hba_file = '/home/hived/datadir/haf_postgresql_conf.d/custom_pg_hba.conf'

Do NOT change the path! That path is for inside the docker container.

You might have to create the above file. That will allow us to override the default pg_hba.conf for PostgreSQL and allow authorization for user haf_admin.

Create the following file and add the following lines:

host haf_block_log haf_admin trust
host haf_block_log haf_app_admin trust

# If you change this first entry you will need to make sure that the
# database superuser can access the database using some other method.
# Noninteractive access to all databases is required during automatic
# maintenance (custom daily cronjobs, replication, and similar tasks).
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                peer

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
local   replication     all                                     peer
host    replication     all               md5
host    replication     all             ::1/128                 md5

This 👆 is the default pg_hba included in HAF with the addition of the first line.

Restart the HAF container and you should be good to go.

docker stop haf-instance
cd /pg/workdir
../haf/scripts/ --name=haf-instance --data-dir=$(pwd)/haf-datadir --shared-file-dir=/dev/shm --detach

This will allow access to the database as haf_admin which is needed for preparing the database for hivemind. You can optionally remove only the first line afterwards.

Hivemind on HAF

Clone hivemind:

cd /pg
git clone
cd hivemind
git checkout v1.
git submodule update --init --recursive


cd /pg/workdir
../hivemind/scripts/ci/ v1. ../hivemind

Preparing the database

sudo apt install postgresql-client -y
../hivemind/scripts/ --postgres-url=postgresql://[email protected]/haf_block_log
../hivemind/scripts/ --postgres-url=postgresql://[email protected]/haf_block_log

Finally we can run the hivemind. You will have to start two instances one as a sync and another as a server instance to serve the APIs.


../hivemind/scripts/ sync --database-url="postgresql://[email protected]:5432/haf_block_log" --docker-option=--detach --docker-option=--name=hivemind-sync

Check logs

docker logs hivemind-sync -f --tail 50


../hivemind/scripts/ server --database-url="postgresql://[email protected]:5432/haf_block_log" --docker-option=--detach --docker-option=--name=hivemind-server

Check logs

docker logs hivemind-server -f --tail 50

Hivemind is very slow at syncing and will probably take 3-4 days depending on your storage & CPU speed.

HAfAH - Account history on HAF

Running HAfAH is easy as it doesn't need to sync. It will use the data already present in HAF.

cd /pg
git clone
cd HAfAH
git checkout v1.
git submodule update --init --recursive


# inside HAfAH folder
scripts/ci-helpers/ "v1." . --haf-postgres-url=postgresql://[email protected]:5432/haf_block_log


docker run --rm -itd --name=hafah-instance

Check logs

docker logs hafah-instance -f --tail 50


Jussi is used as a proxy which exposes all the APIs and handles caching and timing out certain APIs.
First we need to get the IP address of hivemind-server and hafah-instance.

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' haf-instance
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' hivemind-server
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' hafah-instance

Clone jussi

cd /pg
git clone
cd jussi

Edit Dockerfile and put # in front of or remove the following at line 116

# RUN pipenv run pytest

If your IP addresses are different, replace them in the config below.
Add following lines in config.json

  "limits": { "accounts_blacklist": [""] },
  "upstreams": [
      "name": "hived",
      "translate_to_appbase": true,
      "urls": [["hived", ""]],
      "ttls": [
        ["hived", 3],
        ["hived.login_api", -1],
        ["hived.network_broadcast_api", -1],
        ["hived.market_history_api", 1],
        ["hived.database_api", 3],
        ["hived.database_api.get_block", -2],
        ["hived.database_api.get_block_header", -2],
        ["hived.database_api.get_content", 1],
        ["hived.database_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", 1]
      "timeouts": [
        ["hived", 5],
        ["hived.network_broadcast_api", 0]
      "name": "appbase",
      "urls": [
        ["appbase.wallet_bridge_api", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_account_reputations", ""],
        ["appbase.follow_api.get_account_reputations", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.broadcast_transaction", ""],
        ["appbase.network_broadcast_api", ""],
        ["appbase.block_api.get_block", ""],
        ["appbase.block_api.get_block_range", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_block", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_accounts", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_active_votes", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_blog", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_blog_entries", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_content", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_content_replies", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_discussions_by_blog", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_discussions_by_created", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_discussions_by_feed", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_discussions_by_hot", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_follow_count", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_followers", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_following", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_reblogged_by", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_replies_by_last_update", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_trending_tags", ""],
        ["appbase.database_api.list_comments", ""],
        ["appbase.database_api.list_votes", ""],
        ["appbase.database_api.find_votes", ""],
        ["appbase.database_api.find_comments", ""],
        ["appbase.tags_api.get_discussion", ""],
        ["appbase.account_history_api", ""],
        ["account_history_api", ""],
        ["appbase.account_history_api.get_ops_in_block", ""],
        ["appbase.account_history_api.enum_virtual_ops", ""],
        ["appbase.account_history_api.get_transaction", ""],
        ["appbase.account_history_api.get_account_history", ""],
        ["condenser_api.get_ops_in_block", ""],
        ["condenser_api.get_transaction", ""],
        ["condenser_api.get_account_history", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_ops_in_block", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_transaction", ""],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_account_history", ""],
        ["database_api.get_account_history", ""],
        ["appbase.database_api.get_account_history", ""],
        ["appbase", ""]
      "ttls": [
        ["appbase", 1],
        ["appbase.block_api", -2],
        ["appbase.block_api.get_block_range", -1],
        ["appbase.database_api", 1],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_account_reputations", 3600],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_ticker", 1],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_accounts", 3],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_account_history", 3],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_content", 3],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_profile", 3],
        ["appbase.database_api.find_accounts", 3],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", 1],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_ops_in_block.params=[2889020,false]", 0],
      "timeouts": [
        ["appbase", 5],
        ["appbase.network_broadcast_api", 0],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.broadcast_block", 0],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.broadcast_transaction", 0],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_ops_in_block.params=[2889020,false]", 20],
        ["appbase.condenser_api.get_account_history", 20]
      "name": "hive",
      "translate_to_appbase": false,
      "urls": [["hive", ""]],
      "ttls": [["hive", -1]],
      "timeouts": [["hive", 30]]
      "name": "bridge",
      "translate_to_appbase": false,
      "urls": [["bridge", ""]],
      "ttls": [
        ["bridge", -1],
        ["bridge.get_discussion", 3],
        ["bridge.get_account_posts", 3],
        ["bridge.get_ranked_posts", 3],
        ["bridge.get_profile", 3],
        ["bridge.get_community", 3],
        ["bridge.get_post", 3],
        ["bridge.get_trending_topics", 3]
      "timeouts": [["bridge", 30]]


docker build -t jussi .

Running jussi at

# Run where config.json is located
# Don't change the path
docker run --rm -itd --env JUSSI_UPSTREAM_CONFIG_FILE=/app/config.json -v $(pwd)/config.json:/app/config.json -p 80:8080 --name jussi-instance jussi

To run in local network, replace 80:8080 with

Check the logs

docker logs jussi-instance -f --tail 50

That's it. You should be able to access all the APIs at port 80 of your public IP address.

The official GitLab repositories might include more information:

Related post: How to run a HAF node

Feel free to ask anything.



I really want to learn coding but I don't know what's wrong with me 😩... The whole process seems more complicated anytime I tried to learn.

Wow it's really nice to know about all this and thanks for sharing.

I don’t understand anything in developing, and I admire your smart 🤗💗

Drone is better than Jussi :)

I see developers like geeks! smarty pants!

Wow, even if I don't understand this much, I commend your effort in putting all of this together.


Nice, thanks for sharing I learned a lot

hi, nice to meet you, I read your presentation, I don't understand this lesson, but this is very interesting for me to learn, thank you for sharing this presentation, I hope you can stop by my channel to see my new post

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