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RE: Hive Dev Proposal

in HiveDevs4 months ago

Thank you for the feedback and sharing your thoughts.hey @andablackwidow,

  • In terms of the comments page, we have a task to create a single post page similar to how hiveblocks does (see ref issue. Feel free to add comments to it if you have any other ideas or open a new one if this is completely different.
  • For the wallet balances, yes I recall you raised this issue recently, this will be tackled via ref issue as we start working thoroughly on Balance Tracker
  • I like your ideas regarding perspective tracking, we will have a look at it. If you'd like you can open an issue for it or I can do so myself.
  • Point 4 also makes sense. Similar to the above if you'd like open an issue or we will do that.

The problem with writing issues is that they are good if the potential solution requires investigation, discussion or documentation on why certain way of handling was chosen. But in cases like point 4 it is actually easier and faster if I make changes myself than to describe it for others to do. I'd have done that long ago if I had an environment ready where I could test such changes before proposing them (and the last time I did anything on front-end was 25 years ago). So next best thing is to stand on top of the dev who can show result of the changes locally before they are committed :o)

By the way, point 4 issue is only here because people that made those visualizers in the first place are not actually using Hive, so they are not familiar with fine details. I'm sure it does not apply to you.