Why not setup a website for RV Dealers around the world where each Dealer can post videos on your site of their RV's, atv's, parts and accessories videos for various models, etc? Each video would be kind of like a real-estate "listing" of sorts.
You, as a Site Admin (see https://Hive-Tube.com) could earn a % of the profits from every video that gets posted from every Dealer worldwide (or just for the English speaking Dealers around the world if you prefer).
I like your idea! I did get my site connected to Steem for bit there before the fork. I haven't given up, but I haven't got it back online yet. I have more to learn. I really want to deploy Hive-Tube, do you have a discord I could join to discuss this with you?
Ya know, I had an idea..
Why not setup a website for RV Dealers around the world where each Dealer can post videos on your site of their RV's, atv's, parts and accessories videos for various models, etc? Each video would be kind of like a real-estate "listing" of sorts.
You, as a Site Admin (see https://Hive-Tube.com) could earn a % of the profits from every video that gets posted from every Dealer worldwide (or just for the English speaking Dealers around the world if you prefer).
I like your idea! I did get my site connected to Steem for bit there before the fork. I haven't given up, but I haven't got it back online yet. I have more to learn. I really want to deploy Hive-Tube, do you have a discord I could join to discuss this with you?
We use discord occasionally yes, ping Ken on discord here: