This month I neither managed to work on the coinZdense project, nor did I get any project donations.
The first is due to personal circumstances. Due to the state of my mariage, I'm currently without a single place to live.
Living with my 79 year old mom most of the time, moving front and back between my mom's and my wife's place if I need to watch my kids. Next to this, my amazing girlfriend has recently broken up with me too.
She broke up with me before, but we thought we had found a possible way to be together and got back together shortly, but then, as she realized just how bad things were, her feeling of responsibility became simply too much for her to carry, and she broke up with me again with the worst possible timing.
I understand, but knowing how much we both love eachother, knowing that I'd have given anything to be with her, it is impossible for me to cope with the breakupo right now. If I wasn't a complete mess because of my living situation and my kids, the breakup while we both love eachother so incredably much just doesn't make any sense from a feelings perspective.
Between my long expired mariage comming to an end with lots of hostility, and the bigest love of a lifetime walking out of my life because she feels guilty about my mariage ending, I'm completely broken and unable to concentrate on the project.
I don't expect to be working on the project in December either. Hopefully in January or February I'll at least find enough emotional and mental stability again to work on the project, but right now I'm simply too much of a mess.
Sory everybody that there is zero progress this month. I have some really bad personal shit I'm dealing with.
The hard time is what defines us and make us stronger. Put your s**t together and don’t let any situation stop you.
Here are the things that make me over come bad time in my live.
Sport. Doing basketball when I was a kid and now workout. When you do physical activities that that challenges you make you forget the hard time and focus on one thing that make you happy.
Spiritual activities. I do meditation to be great full about many little things.
And make little things that improve your life. I like to start making my bed and then another thing and another and like thing until you have an amazing day.
Put your s***t together means work on what you first and than work on your responsibilities and make everyday count.