
Forgot to review this sentence but fixed it now.

@pixiepostI do not drink coffee, and indeed hadn't enough tea for sure 😵 Thank you for your unfailing support @pixiepost.

Ha ha ha well if I had to choose between the two, tea is DEFINITELY the winner ;)

No worries at all. Believe me, I make more clerical errors than I would like to admit lol.

You are so welcome & keep up the awesome work. :)

The hard fork was coded for the 6th and that stayed. That means once 17 witnesses switch, the HF goes into effect.

I think they are doing that any minute now 10 AM.

Oh ok! I had a feeling it was the way I was interpreting it. That makes sense now. I know the HF was rescheduled a couple of times, too.

Yes, it's about launch time! It's going to be interesting to see how it all turns out :) Thanks for clarifying....I definitely need more coffee ha ha. :)