You seem pretty well informed, is there any way to get a page view counter integrated that might be able to roughly estimate the number of people who spent more than 20 seconds reading a post?
When I first joined, there was a view counter. The consensus on why it was taken away was due to complaints POB was dead and posts with hundred(s) of votes only had like 3 or 4 views. From bidbots to autovoters it was obvious most of the highest paid posts received very few actual eyes on them.
Something like one vote per person per week at 100% and then if you vote for that same person again within the same week, your max vote gets cut by 10% each time?
The problem with this is many in the upper echelon of stake holdings have quite a few accounts. As a side note, I noticed very early on here that the reward/inflation math doesn't hold up to the narrative, or else we wouldn't be using terms like reward pool rape (I always found that term ludicrous) or selfish people voting their own posts. For a crowd that projects love of ownership and freedom, the witch hunts I've witnessed over folks using their own stake for self profit is something else. Yet you never see folks just saying the math doesn't work well enough for folks to be self centered, as it would leave crumbs or less for those with little stake. And I say this as someone who hasn't maximized for self profit, so I have no personal agenda when pointing out this observation.
When I first joined, there was a view counter. The consensus on why it was taken away was due to complaints POB was dead and posts with hundred(s) of votes only had like 3 or 4 views. From bidbots to autovoters it was obvious most of the highest paid posts received very few actual eyes on them.
This is phenomenal.
How about if the "reward pool" was distributed to the posts with the most and or longest average PAGE VIEWS!!??
It always seemed stupid to scoop up all the crumbs and shovel them into the mouths of the RICH.
I mean, at least if it was some sort of randomized LOTTERY (like bitcoin mining) some of the small fish might get a chance to catch a break at some point without having to wait to be ORDAINED by the OLIGARCHY.
100% THIS.
While better than nothing, I'm guessing it will only register those on the Peak platform. I'm unable to use their platform (thinking because I don't allow cookies to track me), so wondering how many use the blog platform instead, like myself. When I joined Steemit, it was the only front end I believe, so the counter was more accurate I'm thinking.
Appreciate you looked into there being a way to see any of the views. Is it only good for viewing your own, or can you view others posts too?