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RE: HiveSQL proposal unfunded - Information and reaction

in HiveDevs4 years ago

Exactly, I was using paid sql subscription for a very long time, and sometimes I was checking how many people is using it and suming up the sub fees that were going to arcange's wallet.. it was WAY lower than arcange is ecpecting to get from DHF. I was silent till now. It is ridicoulus, the funding of this project from dhf is way too high in my opinion. If I'm wrong I'm gonna ask for cost details.


Adding up the subscription fees received to assess the cost of a project like HiveSL is not the right way to proceed. As I explained in my numerous posts, I first funded it by myself, then compensated the difference between the subscriptions and the real costs of this project, all this out of my own pocket for years.

In Steem's history, all the other projects that proposed something similar for free, and which sometimes even received more money than what I collected with the subscription, broke their necks and disappeared. It is only because I am an enthusiast and money is not my driver that HiveSQL is still here.

Free has a cost, and those have been detailed in the proposal. Not happy with the proposal and its services, do not vote for it and ask for your HiveSQL account removal.

Is sort of because of this the reason is kind of stuck? What do you need to continue that service? Punch me in the face anywhere.