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RE: Announcing: Decentralized Polls and Voting system project

in HiveDevs2 years ago

I always thought a uservoice type of system for Hive where users can suggest features and they can be voted on. Being able to categorize them for specific projects (like peakd, hive blockchain, hive condenser, leo, hive punks).

This would allow users to suggest new features, and other users can vote on them. While it is like vote/polling, it isn't quite the same as this is a long term thing with a specific database specifically for features. It may be soemthing that can be worked into this where you have a category "features" or something.

The main idea is they would persist long term, for example emoji/reaction support has been a very popular idea, someone could suggest this and others can vote it (ideally both stake weighted or vote count is supported) and over months/years it can persist until the feature is implemented or just fades in obscurity.

I always thought this would be a good system for Hive to find things people are interested in and see how popular they are. Supporting other projects, would allow the system to be used by all dapps/communities for their own issues if so desired. Like you could tag a feature as peakd if specific to Peakd.

Vote/Polling can be used for this, but these are generally short term (days/weeks) and not ideal for a long term feature request system unless built with this in mind, it could be a sub-system of this new Vote/polling system for long term feature requests.

One of the hurdles would be expiring feature requests when they are given up on or finished in a way that keeps it decentralized. In an ideal world it would just know when XYZ feature was implemented and remove the feature request, but of course this can't happens, so someone has to get involved to do so to eliminate highly popular yet finished features from cluttering the feature trending list.


Thanks for the suggestion. This was indeed one of the main features we discussed initially for the polls protocol. We are going to do it and enable all apps and communities to make use of it. And we should be able to find ways to change the status of a request (i.e. it would show as shipped) while keeping the whole thing decentralized.