
Weird. It seems like someone has gotten access to the keys on your machine.
If I was you, I would reset to factory settings and then change my router admin password to something stronger, check for and remove/disable any unnecessary login accounts from it. Then backup my important docs (and keepass db file) to a usb drive, create a bootable (new) usb stick with linux mint on it ( Put a copy of Lokinet on there too ( Set a strong BIOS/CMOS password. Always encrypt everything.. I would fdisk, format and install mint on the machine from the bootable usb, then install Lokinet and connect to the internet. Restore only the docs that you need like bookmarks, contacts.csv, etc. Login with Brave browser to website Avoid browser extensions as much as feasible.

I am no linux guru that's for damn sure, and I might have forgotten something, but the above should at least help you to get squared away again.

That's really discouraging. I don't store any passwords on the machine. Everything is encrypted. I am the only account. I have a BIOS password. I have a firewall, and a VPN. I have no contacts saved on the box. The only thing you suggest, besides starting over, that I don't have going on (other than using a different distro than Mint) is Lokinet.

Imma have a look at Lokinet, because I have no idea what it is.

I really appreciate your kindness and consideration.
