Lolly .. Back to the hugs

in FreeCompliments4 days ago

There was a little boy named Yassin who loved his cat Lolly lots She was his companion in all things even when he was studying she would sit next to him and gaze at him with her big eyes as if she understood everything and He would always have her in his lap and stroked her head while she purred softly and this made him feel very at ease and cheerful.

One day coming back from school he entered the house looking for Lolly as was his habit but he just couldn't find her anywhere He searched every nook and corner of the house created a big commotion called her name from inside and outside also flung open each of the rooms as well as the balcony but none of her anywhere and He became very unhappy and anxious he just couldn't do without her even for a moment He surmised that she must have stepped out when the doors of the house were open and this made him anxious.

Yassin hurried down to the street asking whether anybody had ever seen her and He walked the whole of the nearby streets crying out for her in hopefulness but unfortunately, there was no answer The sun began to set and hopelessness was overwhelming him but he wasn't giving up yet He vowed to search for her the next day hoping that she would be fine and return to him.

The next day when he walked in the street he heard a weak meow voice coming from beneath a car that was parked there He rushed towards it knelt down and looked beneath the car and to his surprise Lolly was there her eyes gleamed but she was scared and shy He outstretched his hand to her and called her gently and to his surprise she ran to him and hugged him with her little claws as if saying I missed you so much.

Yassin joy during that time was inexplicable he believed that an important part of his heart had returned to him He stroked her smooth fur and said to her in his loving tone I missed you my daughter I will never abandon you again He returned home with her on his shoulders and his heart was filled with happiness It was an amazing moment when he believed that hope never gets lost and that real love always returns to its possessor no matter where.

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