I felt the need to write this upon watching a video on what many saints have said based on visions they got from God and their insights from Him. They all say many people will go to hell and only a few will go to purgatory or even lesser will get to Heaven!
We can also find the same thing in the Bible. Remember Noah and his family were the only ones who got saved from the flood! And how about Lot and his children in the tragedy of Sodom and Gomorrah? Out of the many people there all except Lot's family were wicked! Now, imagine how many will be saved in the world today! Oh my Lord have mercy on us all. ๐

The Official 2025 Jubilee Year mascot: Luce. | source
What does "God Loves You" mean?
Back in 2011 I realized how much God loves humanity. Let's say it was my initial "spiritual renewal". Actually we all should be able to move towards God everyday of our lives. Yes it won't happen daily especially when we fall and get so deep in mortal sins but there will eventually be highlights like what happened to me in 2011 and Lent 2023.
More than a decade ago I had a profound experience after giving to God every emotional and mental pain I had which caused me to cry every night for weeks. (Read more about it here. ) That's the time I felt how much God loves me even if I was a sinner. It was also when I got the sense that the Lord is merciful and kind. He loves us no matter who we are and what we do or have done!
That's why from then on I uploaded a profile picture on my social media account that says, "God loves you," to remind myself and others of it. But then, watching a catechism video (in Filipino) the day I started writing this gave me a "level up" of that realization.
What does "Save Ourselves" mean?
Since Lent 2023 I have been on the road to devoutness and have become a practicing Catholic. Does that mean I am already saved from hell? Heck we will only know about such when we die and are judged by Jesus.
Here's what I realized when I started writing this: Yes God loves us but that doesn't mean we will go to Heaven upon death despite our many sins. No unclean thing will enter God's kingdom. Yep. Read the Bible.
Of course we cannot save ourselves without God. That's not the point. What I'm saying is, because Jesus died on the cross and resurrected we all got saved from eternal death (the consequence of Original Sin) but we are still sinful creatures. Meaning if we still do not repent of our sins (mortal and/or venial) nor regret doing anything against the 10 Commandments then we will damn ourselves upon death!

God's love and divine mercy actually helps us to clean up our acts and follow His teachings! We are stubborn and selfish creatures yet He is always there for us even if we reject Him. Like a spoiled brat who acts all high and mighty towards our parents, we do the same to God. Despite such actions the Lord still showers His love and mercy to everyone of us.
What do we do to save and change our sinful selves then? Initially we must call on Him, ask for forgiveness and accept what He gives freely: grace, love and mercy. We must do that in order to help ourselves as our first step to Heaven. If we keep His commandments, repent and ask pardon for our sins, and do our penance everyday, perhaps God will be merciful enough that we either merit purgatory or be with Him in Heaven forever upon death.
What's Next?
As Christians, we are to love, know and serve God and other people too. In detail, here's 10 things every Catholic should do. If you're a Christian but not Catholic look for anything closer to do that's similar, otherwise feel free to reach out to a priest.
1 . Look for an Examination of Conscience (Pagsusuri ng Budhi). Plenty of this online, even on social networks.
2 . Make a list (include number of times each was done) while reading the above, make sure to be sorry for each one, resolve never to do such again and then go to Confession afterwards.
3 . Go to mass EVERY Sunday and Holy Days of Obligations (only 3 days per year in the Philippines). Give thanks for everything He has given us, all the hardships we experienced and the blessings we received since birth. As for daily mass, it is a way for us to get to know God more. We can hear and learn of the Word of God from the mass readings and homily. Consuming the Body of Christ is the highlight of it all, so we can become one with Him. (This is why number 5 is important.)
4 . Visit Jesus in the adoration chapel regularly. Spend at least 10 to 15 mins if you're still not used to talking to Jesus there. You can also pray the rosary and other prayers or do some meditative reading. Don't forget to listen to His message to you too.
5 . Go to confession frequently. (Monthly, bi-monthly or weekly) We must give our souls a shower regularly just like how we bathe our bodies everyday and wash our clothes weekly. This will also make us most worthy to receive the Body of Christ in communion.

Our Lady of Fatima's statement. | source
6 . Do works of mercy. There's 14 in total, choose whichever you can do at any given moment. Being kind to others is a start.
7 . Offer any form of suffering (emotional, physical, mental, etc.) to God for the sake of others. (For the relief of souls in purgatory, conversion of sinners, help of the poor, healing of the sick, reparation of blasphemies and offences against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, etc.)
8 . Pray everyday. ๐ (Angelus, 3 o'clock prayer, Divine Mercy chaplet, etc.) Pray for the conversion of sinners, especially priests (and nuns too) so they may be holy and saintly and lead us all to Heaven. You can even ask Him questions too. (Why Prayer and Repentance Can Change the World)
9 . Read the Bible as much as you can. This is how we hear and learn God's Word. When we are familiar with God's "voice", we would then know if whatever we encounter in the world is from Him or not. Daily reading is great but if you can't then set a time or schedule it.
10 . We must consecrate ourselves to Jesus thru Mama Mary (or St. Joseph). Read more about it here.

These are some of what was in the video I watched. | screenshot source
We cannot go to Heaven unless we strive for it. Yes Jesus saved us from Original Sin which is eternal death, but unconfessed mortal and even venial sins will still damn us. If we don't ask for God's mercy how can we be forgiven? (Read this to know how.)
Sins make us unclean therefore we won't enter Heaven if we are full of it and don't regret any of it. Repentance is the key and it better be done way before the end of our lives.
Yes God loves everyone but if we don't love ourselves then we won't strive to be with Him in Heaven. Following God's teachings and striving to never commit grave sins (and sins of omission) must be first and foremost in our lives everyday. And then we can work on getting rid of behaviors that make us sin venially.
God bless us all on our spiritual journey!