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RE: Ten HSBI and Two DUO Token Giveaway Week 43!

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

Please add me to your notification list!
As for living in California and taxes, I might want to argue on that one! I live in Belgium, haven’t had 2 days of sun for over 6 weeks, and pay over 50% of taxes! 😂😂😂

As for the question, my favorite Disney/animated movie: Finding Nemo!


Will do my friend! I know that Belgium has high taxes, but isn't there quality free healthcare included? Too bad about the lack of sun, I love sunny days. That's why I moved here in the first place!

Finding Nemo was a lot of fun, great pick!

We have health care included indeed, but the quality has been declining steeply in the past years. Same as the "free" part. It used to be pretty much free, with only a small percentage that had to be paid. These days the prices are rizing immensely, the own percentage is increasing, and the treatments that are "free" are reduced as well. Without an extra insurance, if you get sick, the average family still can't afford it. Even with the extra insurance, a lot of people can't (and can't even pay the extra insurance).
Same for pension, yeah, we receive pension at 66, but the amount is that of the average price of a house/appartment & electricity.

Nemo was pretty much fun indeed ;-) Cars would be my second choice :-D