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RE: A Question to the FreeCompliments Community on an Addition to our Voting Trail

lol. Math. At the moment I use 10%, that will go lower as the trail gets bigger, to keep my voting power from draining. If you end up following, you vote someone with your trail, I follow with 10% at the moment and my trail should follow.

If I upvote someone then the percentage you use, only 10 percent of your voting power assigned to my trail is used. So if you set to 100%. 10% of 100 is 10. 10% of 1 is .1% Get it? lol


Ah ok, this refers to the voting power! Now I think I understand.

I assign 10% to the BBH trail, and 1% of fc-curation's voting power is used. The same goes on your end.

Then it would make sense for me to set 10%, as I think we can spare 1% of voting power daily.

Looks like responses are still mostly positive, but I'll see within a week or so.

And it is not a one way street, my trail we be voting your trail ;)


That's right! Fantastic, so it looks like we'll have a tentative plan here.