I don't have a rich friend..

in FreeCompliments3 months ago


My problem is that I don’t have rich friends”

That was someone’s perception of why he is struggling. You know the popular notion as planted ..” destiny helper ” and all that. He assumes that if he had rich friends, things would be much easier for him.

The truth is that rich people do not have rich friends. They have rich associates that are friends with them because they are rich. To become the friend of a rich person, you must be rich. Certainly there will be old mates and people they knew when they were struggling. Most rich people want to be dissociated from their past. They do not want reminders of suffering.

The other challenge is that of expectation. Poorer friends expect their rich friends to show them the way or breathe money into their lives. Not a bad thing but an unrealistic one. What you see with your rich friend(s) is what they allow you see. You don’t know the debts and struggle to maintain appearances in most cases. Secondly what is the incentive to make you rich?

Rich people love the adulation that comes from their wealth. It is why most of them chased money anyway. They do not want equals.

Therefore, if your friend is rich, enjoy his/her company with no expectations. Learn to be dignified if and when possible. When you need help and they help, be appreciative. Don’t say “with all they have… it is this little”

The best life is when you can escort your friend to his Range Rover when you drive a Toyota, with no complex. Appreciating God for what they have and being grateful for what you have.

Fingers will never be equal

Anyway.. no one owes you. Once you learn that… life is sweet.

Thanks for reading
This is ckole the laughinggas
One love.