It really is a win-win :)
I think you asked something abut the freecomliments community the other day. You may want to post there to check things out. They have been very supportive of my posts and have given me some SBI just for posting. Thought I'd share that .
We are closing on a house next week. So much to do. At least we have 30 days to move out of our rental once that happens.
Exciting times though :)
Is that posting on ecency? I'll have to try posting there. Leo has gotten really tight about their votes anymore so I'm looking for a permanent switch probably to ecency.
First house? Closing is such a headache but it's nice to own!
You can post it on ecency, but you do't have to. Just join the free compliments community and post to it like you would any other community (just select it when you select where your post is going like to your blog or a community).
This is my first house but not my husband's, so it's our first house as married couple. We have been living in a rental for about a year now while waiting for finances to settle, had to settle some tax stuff (luckily he is owed refunds not the other way around) before selling his old home and buying a new place.
What a paper work nightmare though.
The new house is all one floor, has a nice backyard we could put a small pool up (light swimming/floating is one of the only types of exercise I can do). There is a dining room area with huge windows, we will essentially use that as the guinea pig's room and it will be easier the let them roam around at the new place. SQUEAK!