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RE: I Don't Think We Can Be Friends

in FreeComplimentslast year

It will have to be modified, and yep, it’s expensive, but a few years ago in Australia, the federal government developed an initiative called the NDIS. I think it stands for national disability insurance scheme, or something like that. Essentially, when diagnosed with a disability that qualifies (I know that sounds really bad) the government will fund everything you need assistance with that’s related to the disability. It’s a pretty incredible idea. So the conversion will get funded through that, however, we need to purchase the vehicle.

This is why we hired it - the NDIS is more likely to approve founding if we can show that we’ve researched what will work. They’ll also fund the wheelchair. Again, it’s pretty incredible. I’m not sure if they based it off something similar in another country, or if Australia is unique in this, but regardless, I’m very grateful for the assistance this program provides.