Disconnection from the innnerself

in FreeCompliments9 months ago

The world we live in today is filled with a lot of distractions here and there,of course,there ought to be distractions because obviously we are meant to life live to the fullest,some even believe that you only live once,so why not enjoy every bit of what life has to offer,yes,it's good to work,make money,have fun but do we check up on ourselves more than anything else,living in a world faced with different types of challenges can be a frustrating and unbearable,people tend to neglect themselves while pleasing other,which is quite inadequate and this can result to mental breakdown,sometimes,I wonder why people feel they can just pretend like nothing is wrong,when are feeling so depressed deep inside,some how they convinced themselves that they are fine when they are not,I think that is why there are a lot of suicide in the world today,people die everyday due to the negligence of themselves,the society has tricked us into believing that once you have the good things of life,we will definitely be okay but there is more to life than richest,fame or what we mostly desire in life,the kind life we live we life in,is filled with ups and downs,amidst those ups and downs,we have to be self conscious of the kind of state we are mentally,physical and emotionally,these is going to help determine the aftermath of our actions.


The inner voice
The so called inner voice is what talked to us,when nobody is,it's what make us feels guilt and justified at same the time,it's like a two side of the coin,as cliche as that might sound,your inner voice can be your greatest enemy,if not paying your uppermost attention to it,your inner voice can make you feel like shit,ashamed,guilty,regretful,which is like people faced with these experience wish they are dead or vanish from what they face in life,are we really spending time with ourselves and know which kind of state we are in,if not I think it is high time,we start looking after ourselves and always feel ourselves with positive energy to scale through what ever difficulties that comes our way,we need to reflect on ourselves and point out what could bring harm to us.

cognitive dissonance
Have you ever realized what you hold so firmly to true,not aligning with your actions,being in this state can be so disturbing and we might get lost in the mist of it,not knowing what is real and what is fake,I think we've all been there once in our life experiences,what we need to work towards the most,is our sanity because that is the center of experience,once we lose our sanity,the world comes tumbling down on us.
To be honest,I think we shouldn't put too much thoughts into what will eventually exist us from reality,all we need to do,is focus on ourselves and be a better version of what we earnestly seeks to be.


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