Stress is a big word these days, almost everyone is experiencing it. I'm not saying women don't stress but I think men struggle with stress a lot more.
I personally spend a lot of time worrying about the future or thinking about my past mistakes, like not learning harder to become a fast class student and I really wish I knew crypto ten year ago, I would have taken all my life savings and bought as many as I could.
It's not a secret that overthinking can create literal health issues for people. It leads to anxiety and depression and the reason why I'm saying it's harder for men is because they may not talk about their feelings as much as women do. We've built a society were men are seen as beings of reason and women are the emotional ones, and they say stuff like men don't cry. I really hate that statement because it puts us in a situation where we can express pain as much as the women do.
So when guys get stressed out, they don't talk but that means they're going to express it in a different way like being angry, using drugs or taking stupid risks.
Have you heard all the hardcore motivation videos from people like Andrew Tates, they project an image of men should be tough and they're bot wrong at all but we're bot robots, we're human beings and somethings because of stress and overthinking, our emotions can get the better of us. We only push through these problems alone and being alone in a painful situation only makes it worse.
We all get stressed at one point or another regardless of gender. It's crazy that some people are still stereotyping men.
Overthinking is a common source or stress and depression. I hope you will find a way to lessen it :)
thank you very much, lovely comment. Yes we all go through it... It's not an easy thing at all...