More nice work! Thanks for sharing these colorful puppers. 😊
I think you accidentally added my personal account as a beneficiary for this one! Since the community account can only afford one Boost per week (for now), here's what I'll do: I'll Boost this post from my personal account and everything that goes to me from this post I'll return back to you. Keep it all and grow your account! 😁
It was meant for you to keep growing your community.
Well, then I'll direct that straight to hive-140084 when the reward comes. But I'll keep boosting your posts regardless. You can't stop me. Mwuahahahahaha! 😈
Hahahaha... No problem. Just trying to help you grow a great idea.
Well, I certainly greatly appreciate that gesture. Likewise, friend.
We can both grow together! Hive's mechanisms allow for mutual growth to take place, which is great.