Pretty much all insertions that break the skin and blood vessel barrier are liable to cause a degree of swelling, because the inflammatory response is natural when these barriers are broken (it helps send different factors to that area to repair the broken barriers).
That said, the midline is almost universally preceded by lidocaine injections (numbing agents) to pain the entry painless, as the line is a bit larger than a peripheral line and is usually sutured in. The painful part of the process is usually the injections of the numbing agents.
Peripheral lines are still usually preferable due to resource allocation, rapid insertion time, and ease of use. Everything has its pluses and minuses.
Of course, the very best deal is to never get hospitalized in the first place lol. 😉
I avoid it when I can. Back in 2021 though I could not avoid it. I could not drink without feeling pain. Turns out I had neglected eating and drinking. Bad me. Lesson learned.
Oh boy! That sounds like a strange phenomenon. Well, I certainly hope that your eating and drinking is back to normal now. 😊 Although I see it every day, I can't truly imagine life without the ability to eat and drink for prolonged periods of time.
It is not a pain I ever wanna feel again. I'm more careful now and make sure I take time to get sustenance.