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RE: Explore the Best of Ecency: Top Posts Today December 4, 2023

You sure make a lot of assumptions and as well are harassing and threatening me.

For speaking up?

Well looks like this is going to escalate.

Hivewatcher, you are a hypocrite and are personally exercising a personal vendettas against users for profit.

You pay people to place wrongful reports in and wrongfully abuse them with down votes.

And you even accept flawed and incorrect reports and then abuse innocent people and accounts. While paying the snitches you employ...

Very clearly you have been guilty of abusing those you have pretended to defend. While also attacking those weaker than you and defenseless.

That makes you a coward. And a clear and present danger to the community.

Go back to dealing with real issues. And stop behaving like a criminal and bully.

And of course the threats directly against be for a community I'm not even the owner of?

Oh you are lower than whale shit. This is a clear abuse of your authority and powers.

Reporting this. And we will be following up on this. Just wait until we pull your fangs and make you a joke.

Your actions have done this. Hopefully you enjoy the consequences that you have earned by your actions.