Kind people encountered during food deliveries / 配達中に出逢った親切な人たち

in FreeCompliments22 days ago



As I wrote a bit earlier, I have been working as a food delivery person for the past few years.

Since last year, I have been working mainly as a part time worker in a supermarket, and the number of times I go out for deliveries has decreased dramatically. Since the end of last year, there seem to be some problems such as too low delivery prices and too long delivery distances, so I have refrained from working as a delivery person to avoid any trouble.

However, I don't dislike delivery itself, and looking back over the past few years, I don't remember having any bad experiences, and I'm glad I did it. It was also good to realize that as long as I had my phone and bicycle, I could go anywhere unexpectedly.

In Japan, the reputation of food delivery service workers is not very good, and there still seems to be some prejudice against them. However, I myself have often been treated with kindness, so I would like to write about that today.

The lady who helped me find the delivery destination with me

I was in the middle of delivering a box lunch. I was looking for the delivery destination indicated by the app in a slightly complicated residential area. I couldn't find it because the pin for the delivery address on the map was off the true address, and although the app listed the name of the building, the building itself didn't seem to have a name on it. In addition, many of the addresses were the same, even though they were on different blocks, so it was impossible to identify them by their street numbers. I was having a bit of trouble and was checking out the buildings that looked like it in the area while riding my bicycle slowly.

Suddenly, a woman in her 60s appeared from behind the fence of a private house.

She said,

“Hello! It must be hard to find a place around here with all the same addresses, isn't it? Where do you want to go?

... Is she God?

Me: “Please let me know if you know it. It's an apartment called 'Yoshida Building'...”

Woman: “The coffee shop at the traffic light is Yoshida's house. That's the only place called “Yoshida” in this neighborhood.”

Me: “I see... But it doesn't look like it's there on the map.”

Woman: “Is that so? Wait here for a minute. It's faster to ask Mrs. Yoshida!”

She quickly ran in the direction of the coffee shop. I was startled and chased after her. After a while, the woman came out of the coffee shop in a flurry with the female owner.

She said, “I figured out where the Yoshida Building is! It's the second orange building to the right on the corner there!”

Apparently, the apartment was owned by the owner of the coffee shop. I thanked the woman and the owner and finished the delivery without incident, but I wished there was something I could give people as a thank-you (such as a discount coupon) in such cases.

Anyway, she was the nicest person in my delivery life.

A man who gave me a Good rating without even checking to see if the pork miso soup leaked

I was delivering a rice bowl, fried chicken and pork miso soup set. I was driving on the side of the road and my tire got stuck in a ditch and I wobbled.

The products were secured with cushioning materials, but I did not know if the pork soup was safe or not. In many cases, products are placed in a plastic bag and sealed, and the delivery person cannot open the bag to check. Hmmm, I can't see inside, but from the feel of holding the bag, I have a feeling that there is a high probability that some of the liquid has leaked out …

So when I handed the product to the orderer, I told him that I had tilted the bag while it was running and that I wanted him to check for any damage in the pork soup.

However, the man who received it said

"Pork miso soup...I think it was there, but it wasn't...yeah, no problem! 😊😊😊”

He didn't even try to check the goods. I was surprised, but I couldn't force him to open it right there. So I told him to contact the support center if there was any damage and left the place.

When I checked the delivery app after returning home, I saw one more “Good (high rating)” in the ratings section. By specification, we don't know who gave us the high (or low) rating, but it had been a long time since I had received a delivery using that platform, and the timing clearly indicated that it was the man.

I think the pork soup was leaking. Was it a “Good” for being honest about it? I felt even more sorry because the person who ordered it was so kind, and I felt that I had to be more careful in my delivery.

The lady at the buckwheat noodle shop who gave me a warmer

It was when I arrived at the store after receiving an order from a soba noodle shop. It was a cloudy day with a stinging cold wind around February, I believe.

I arrived at the restaurant, but my order was not yet ready and I had to wait. I am not very good at this waiting time... Since there is no fixed place to wait, I quietly found a place in the restaurant where I would not be disturbed and waited. Fortunately, the soba restaurant was empty, so I found a place next to the ticketing machine and stood there.

Then, a woman working at the counter said to me,

She said, “It's cold today, isn't it? Please use it if you like!

It was a disposable pocket warmer. I thanked her and took the warmer, opened it and put it in my pocket as soon as I left the store.

The kindness of the lady sunk in and I felt even warmer.

Sometimes restaurant staff are kind to me, such as when I was waiting at a ramen shop and they offered me water, or at an Indian curry shop they asked me if I would like something warm to drink🤣I didn't want my curry to get cold, so I declined the “something warm” offer, though.


Although I often encounter such kind people in this delivery business, I may quit at the end of this year. There is also the risk of traffic accidents and the low unit price, and I don't think the environment surrounding delivery workers will improve dramatically in the future.... These days, as demand declines, I spend more and more time just cycling rather than delivering, which is also inefficient.

I feel a little sad, but it looks like I will be saying goodbye to this job soon.









「ご苦労さま!この辺同じ住所ばっかりだから大変でしょ~ 何探してるの?」





「ええ?あら、本当ね・・・ ちょっと待ってて!吉田さんに聞いた方が早いわ!」














豚汁、絶対漏れていたと思うんだけど… 正直に申し出たことに対する「Good」だったのでしょうか。注文者が優しかっただけにますます申し訳なくなり、もっと気をつけて配達しなければと思ったのでした。



到着はしたものの注文品がまだ出来上がっておらず、待ち時間が発生しました。私はこの待ち時間が結構苦手で… 場所が決まっているわけではないので、店内の邪魔にならない場所を探してそっと待機します。幸い蕎麦屋の店内は空いていたので、発券機の横に場所を見つけて立っていました。



と差し出してくれたもの… ホッカイロでした。お礼を伝えてホッカイロを受け取り、お店を出てすぐ開けてポケットに入れました。





「Stay Home」なんて言っていた頃は、次から次へと注文が入ったし、報酬も良かったんですけどね。ちょっと淋しい気もしますが、このお仕事とはそろそろお別れとなりそうです。

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go-kyoさんが受け取りや配達に来たら親切にしてしまうのわかる気がします 😁 挑戦してみるフットワークの軽さもすごいです。私は自転車に乗るの好きなのですが重い腰が上がらずでした。。
