Luck-Bringing Wallpaper...? / 幸運を呼ぶ待ち受け画像?

in FreeCompliments6 days ago



For the past few days, my X timeline has been buzzing with a rather interesting topic.

It is that if you set the image of “Mr. Allen” as your phone's standby or lock screen, a series of good things will happen. I had never heard of “Mr. Allen” until I saw the topic of this image, but he seems to be a Japanese talent. I did some research and found out that he is said to be a “ miracle to be seen” or a “walking shrine” short, he is a very positive person.

Looking at the posts on my timeline, it seems that those who set the image of “Mr. Allen” as their phone's lock screen won a pachinko game, were finally able to tell their long-unspoken resignation, finally broke up with a terrible lover, hit a jackpot at a juice vending machine, and so on.... They had various kinds of good luck.

So I downloaded the image and set it as my lock screen to try it out. That was last night.

When my husband came home late at night, I told him about the image and suggested, “Why don't you try it too?” But he said, “No“.

My husband has been working hard lately trying to get a slightly bigger contract at work. But what if he sets that image as his lock screen and then gets the contract? ”That would mean it wasn't because of my ability, but because of the image, right?”

...I see... I guess that might be a good point. So I did not recommend him to go any further.

Then this morning, I received a phone call out of the blue from my father. As soon as I picked up the phone,

“Hey, you! Did you sign up for the Tokyo Metro IPO?”

“No... (I don't have any money)”

I answered.

He said,

“There is a special benefit for 200 shares, so sign up for it. I'll give you some money, but you have to pay for the fractional shares yourself!“

What a surprise, I thought, this is definitely thanks to the image of “Mr. Allen”... I applied for the book building through my securities account.

My husband, who was watching the scene in front of me, said, “I'm going to use Mr. Allen as my standby, too! Send me that image!” And he quickly set it up. I thought to myself, “Didn't you say something cool last night about your ability or something...” But the good thing about me is that I don't say it (well, I do write about it on my blog).

Sometimes it's not a bad idea to believe in these things and get on with it. Maybe it's important to get in the groove for good luck.

By the way, the 200 shares of Metro stock will total about 220,000-240,000 yen, and my father sent me 200,000 yen of it. I have to provide a fraction of the money myself, but I really don't have any money these days due to expenses for my son's juku (cram school) and mock exams..! I am considering selling $ETH again 😂




Xに流れてくるポストを眺めていると、「アレン様」の画像をスマホのロック画面に設定した人たちには、パチンコで勝ったとか、長い間言い出せなかった退職をついに伝えることができたとか、モラハラ彼氏と別れることができたとか、ジュースの自販機で当たりが出たとか・・・ 様々な幸運が訪れているようでした。















ちなみにメトロの株は200株で22~24万円程度になる予定で、父はうち20万円を送ってくれました。端数を自分で用意しなければならないのですが、このところ息子の塾代やら模試代やらで出費が嵩んで本当にお金がない・・・!またしても$ETHを売るか検討中です 😂

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oh, that's quite interesting! And your good luck came sooner than you expected :) May your husband get his very soon too 😊

At least you have ETH to sell 😉

My husband got pneumonia ...
I heard my mom downloaded this image too, hope she is having good luck.
I ended up selling a little $ETH earlier!


私はずっとNFT Showroomで買ったビットコインマン?を壁紙にしていたのですが、ご利益につられて変えてしまいました😅


