in FreeCompliments26 days ago

Actually friends, the end of the beautiful and restful mid term break was finally over. We have to pick up from where the teachers stopped and continue the completion of the school curriculum exercises. I hope you all had an awesome break as well. Wishing you all a blissful, blessed and happy thriving week ahead.🥰

The school bell had rung its final note for the midterm break last week, which was indeed a great deal for the teachers because there was a pause on lesson plans, assignments, and early morning rushes.
Teachers sighed in relief, all the students cheered for freedom, and parents-- well, parents like me-- had a very different kind of obligation awaiting me.

I sincerely hoped that the mid-term break should be extended yet further, I had already hoped for a miracle, but I knew this silent optimism was not going to actually happen anytime soon. While the staff, non staff and children of the school were taking their long deserved rest, catching up on their enjoyable sleep, spending more amazing time with their families and friends at home. My midterm on the other hand, was far from restful. My children have been needing medical attention for some time now, I was just managing it. So this midterm break became the window of opportunity I have longed been anticipating and definitely praying for. Instead of relaxing on my bed with a great sleep, I found myself waking up even earlier than usual, Instead of going on a picnic with a huge packed bag of goodies with my family, I was rather packing hospital bags, I replaced the sound of the classroom chattering of the children with the beeping of medical machines and the gentle whispering of the nurses and doctors on duty. The visitors room became my classroom, and patience turned to my lesson for the week.

It was really tiring though. But strangely, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Sincerely, come to think of it, if the school had been in session, I wouldn't have had the time to be with my children throughout the consultation process, holding their little hands when they felt nervous or speaking with the doctor without worrying to rush back to school.The hilarious drama they put on just to swallow a prescribed pill.

At that particular time, I actually came to a realization that, sometimes, life does not grant us the exact amount of rest that we expected-- but rather, it provides the needed time for what really matters.

By the time the midterm break was over, truthfully, I was not physically rested, I felt tired and sleepy. However, my heart was at rest because my children were eventually getting better, I have actually been exactly where I needed to be. That feeling was a huge relief and comfort for my soul.


Walking back into the school premises, I had to check in by signing on the attendant book, the security personnel made sure of that. (he takes all the data of the staff and non-staff, their coming in and going out).

As I walked through the school premises, I could perceived the call of duty signaling me to hasten my pace. The children were all settled in their various classes receiving lectures from their devoted teachers. The walls were sparkling clean, to an extent that I could actually see my reflection on the school walls.I can actually see my dare cleaned, the flowers and leaves hawalls and rails filled of dust, the cleaning staff surely have a lot of cleaning to do.
The tuck shop lady already prepared and arranged her snacks for the short break period, this is a time, when the children will come out to buy their various brand of snacks, with so much excitement and enthusiasm. Walking through the school, there was offcourse an absolute calmness, it enveloped the entire school because the second half curriculum has started. and

The children were really busy, there was no time to waste. Just few more weeks to go, and the exams will be here. So the teachers needed to engage the students more before that time.

The children must be up and doing. It is compulsory for them to thrive and stay academically fit.



Now, the school has finally started a new week. The children are trying to cope already with the speedy work engagement plus the numerous activities attached to it. Their final exams will soon be here, so teachers are stepping up into their various roles. I may not have enjoyed my last week midterm break, but I achieved some greater purpose in life -- The comforting and Joyful feeling that I was present in my childrens life especially when they needed me the most, really got me assured.

Thriving forward, I again reminded myself that. Rest is not just about sleeping. Sometimes, it's about knowing that you are exactly where you ought to be, doing what matters most
Thanks alot friends @freecompliments community. I appreciate and love you all. ❤️