Story of Being Kind Man

in FreeComplimentslast month

Once upon a time, there was a very simple young man called Karim. His life was an ordinary compromise. Karim has always maintained his peace so much so that he was a little shy and did not like to attract attention. Yet, there was one day when a situation entered his life that turned it entirely around.

He had just walked into his office, where the others seemed to be busy as usual. Until he set his eyes on his colleague Souad sitting in the corner of the office. Souad was always diligent and would lend a helping hand to anyone in distress. Today, however, Karim noticed that Souad had styled her hair differently, and her smile was extraordinarily radiant. As he walked past her, he felt like paying a compliment.

He hesitated at first, not really knowing why. He feared that perhaps she would think he was overdoing it or something, so he thought to himself, What's the problem? I'll just tell her honestly. After some bit of thought, he summoned courage and said to her calmly, Your hair truly looks great today, and that smile lights up the day. The minute Souad heard what he said, she beamed and replied, Thank you; that really makes my day.

That moment altered something deep within Karim. He felt that a kind word has impact more than he had imagined. He never thought that a simple compliment would brighten some poor girl's day, especially when that girl was in a foul mood before Souad ever heard Karim's good word. What Karim realized was something quite simple: A gentle complement could be like sunlight right down in the depths of someone's heart.

Since that day, Karim has tried to speak words of kindness to everyone around him, however small. He knows that at the right time, kind words can change someone's mood and make them feel as if the world is a nice place. Everybody loves to hear compliments, whether it is concerning their looks or their work or the way they treat others. A kind word makes a person feel loved, and goodness fills the world.