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RE: Mental Health Ambassador Role(s) on the FreeCompliments Community!

in FreeCompliments2 years ago

People are truly going through a lot, I admire people who have the boldness to share their struggles, I have read some posts where I literally cried my eyes out for the author, people don't need a lot, just a little "I get you" or "hang in there" could go a long way. I would love to join this movement.


Exactly, just initiating an interaction can be the most meaningful moment in someone's difficult journey. The remainder is just an extension of reaching out.

Exactly my point!

Oh, did you want to actually be a mental health ambassador or just get tagged in posts? Both serve a valuable function. 😊

I want to be a mental health ambassador if it's still open.

Absolutely! Please join in the Discord so we can work out the specific day(s) you'd like to do this (if you don't want to join the Discord, that's ok, too, I'll make note of your day preferences there). Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are booked already!

Okay I will do just that shortly.