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RE: A new sunburst garden gate

in FreeComplimentslast year (edited)

I do so love that sunshiny garden gate.

Love the video of Piper too .... and the modifications on the gate.

There is something really neat about garden gates in general. I once thought about putting one at the end of a walkway where the side of it meets the yard. There is no fence there, but I still thought it would look neat with a gate, just for the sake of having a gate as decor there. That has not happened, but it was a good thought.


There is something old fashioned and romantic about garden gates! You don't see them often anymore, unless they are chain link!

I always think they look inviting and they make me wonder what is on the other side. If someone takes the effort to put up a pretty gate, I'm thinking there will be something neat to see behind it.