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RE: ChatBots have "Asshole modes"

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

Looked at AI claptrap a couple of times, find it KAK when historical figures where never depicted correctly. Did not waste too much time until an actual use is found why waste precious time.

Be real to oneself, AI is not a turn-on!


Fair enough... But there are many (basic) real uses for AI. Real-Time translating menus come in VERY handy recently on a trip to Germany. And I use ChatGPT a lot to help me estimate ingredient costs/quantities before quoting on a catering event.

but yeah, I don't see AI "taking over" (just yet).


I use Translator for foreign languages on the desktop, only offer original human content which a braai is all about and recipes!

When monetizing a site, realize there are many in's and out's you have to be aware of, it's a pain in the butt....