Today I was thinking about the meaning of love is it something complicated as some people portray it or something simple and easy as I feel The truth is that I think that love does not require a lot of effort because someone who truly loves does not feel that he is doing something difficult or tiring on the contrary he presents his feelings and care in a natural and spontaneous way.
I believe that true love appears in the small details not just in big words or expensive gifts When you ask about someone without a reason when you find yourself thinking about a certain persons comfort more than your own when you help someone without expecting anything from you These are all forms of love that do not require effort but they make a big difference.
Today in a fastpaced world where the pressure of life is increasing people are looking for love in complicated things and they forget that the simplest actions can be much stronger A smile a kind word support in times of need these things do not cost you anything but they convey a feeling of love greater than anything else.
I hope we start looking at love from a simpler perspective moving away from the idea that it has to be difficult or requires huge sacrifices Love is actually giving without thinking about the return it is when you find yourself giving to others because you simply love not because you expect a reaction or a reward In the end love does not have to be linked to romantic relationships only but it is present in everything around us in our relationship with our family our friends even in the way we deal with the people we meet every day And the most beautiful thing is that when you give love simply it returns to you double without you asking.