Wishful Wednesday;My mother my pride

in FreeCompliments4 months ago

A mother has several characteristics that make her the embodiment of devotion and love, she is forgiving and understands us when we make mistakes, my mother takes several measures to correct my mistakes and make sure that I'm aware of my responsibilities from sunrise to sunset day in and day out, my mother works tirelessly to fulfill all my dreams.
Even though I lost my father at a younger age, despite the trauma of losing a father, my mother filled the gap by being the mother she is and a father figure as well. As we grow, we learn from our mothers, they are the ones who nurture us and teach us the things we need to know in order to grow into successful adults. A mother is someone who loves you unconditionally and would do anything for you. She's always there for me when I need her most, my mom is a super mom, she's the most important person in my life, my mom motivates me to grow and achieve better things in life, she takes care of the whole family, so hardworking, dedicated and very kind to everyone.


My mother is the main reason for my progress and development as she works tirelessly, provides our entire family with equal and undivided devotion and love, her sacrifice and dedication to the family is unwavering and complete. Putting aside her own needs and desires for the sake of her family, she has been my greatest source of inspiration and has played an important role in my spiritual, emotional and intellectual development.
The role my mother plays in my life even now can't be overemphasized, so mothers are a constant source of inspiration and motivation for children to become good individuals as they grow older. They instill in them a sense of responsibility, care, and resilience that is hard to find anywhere else. A teacher can be an inspiration in someone's life, a successful person can also be an inspiration in someone else's life, but in my life, MY MOTHER is the biggest motivation, she is the person who motivated me to become a good person.
My mother my everything.....
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