Yesterday I did the same routine as the previous day, three sets of 50/40/30 giving me 120 for the day. I thought about a fourth set of 20, but my foot was hurting so I decided to skip it. I have a very bad habit of curling my toes on my left foot, which pops all the joints. If I let myself do that too often then after a few weeks my foot will start hurting enough that I can't put a lot of weight on it. Then I force myself to stop popping my toes and the pain will go away after a few days. I really should learn my lesson. Well, I have learned it. When I am mindful, I never do it. But the habit is still in my brain so when I am less vigilant in watching my actions, I find myself doing it automatically.
That's a good lesson about habits I suppose and why we should be really really careful about the habits we form, because bad habits are hard to break.
At any rate, it didn't stop me from doing 120. Will try to do more today!
That brings me to 1,565 for the month!
here.I'm doing this 100 Squats per day Challenge with @livinguktaiwan, @pardinus, and @xrayman to raise funds for Cancer Research. Read my challenge announcement
If anyone else wants to join, please do, and please mention it here! And if you want to donate, please donate here or send HIVE/HBD directly to @livinguktaiwan and she will convert it to fiat and donate it herself.
Almost all of us will have to deal with cancer in our lifetimes, either we will get it or someone we love will get it. 1 in 8 women will eventually get breast cancer. An astonishing 1 in 3 men will eventually get prostate cancer. There are many other cancers with similar scary high rates. If you are able, please consider donating or spreading the word of this fundraiser.
【This account is an avatar of @dbooster. I made it for a gag long ago but ended up not using it, so here I am using it now. In a way Mr Miyagi does make the perfect motivational figure for an exercise challenge, so it works.】
Congratulations of fighting the bad habits, @mrmiyagi !
We are in "this" all together!
See you tomorrow, my friend!
Another 120, good job!
Keep up the good work :D
Thank you!
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