At a cross road

in FreeCompliments9 days ago

Apparently I've been experiencing a lot of unusual activity ranging from offline to online. If I was in the states I would say maybe there's something implanted in my eyes or somewhere within me.

But then it's also not far from it as I feel like my eyes are burning hot like I can see far and deep into anything and everything. Even my ears could ear sounds and songs from all four corners of the world.

Strange isn't it? Yes it is. Buy regardless I'll stand my feet until the day I draw my last breathe because there are times that you just have to let go of trying to know or understand everything.

At this point I'm playing a game with a master player. Which leaves me with just one choice. Learn from the master or stay a novice for life. If this is where the journey of life is taking me to then so be it. I'm ready to face my fears and see things through.

If possible I get to liberate my people from their suffering which in turn would help me find peace and rest then so be it. And if it's the other way round. I've surrendered it all to Jah who own and sees all things.

Off to bed